韩国光教 Galleria 百货公司大楼

2020-08-13 14:26:36         来源:OMA     浏览次数:

  Project Name:Galleria in Gwanggyo __

  Location: Gwanggyo, Korea

  Client: Hanwha Galleria

  Design Firm: OMA

  Chief Designer: Chris van Duijn

  Above Ground: 73,721㎡

  Below Ground: 63,492㎡

  Photography by Hong Sung Jun for OMA

  项目名称:韩国光教 Galleria 百货公司大楼







  摄影: Hong Sung Jun

  March 25, 2020 – Department store Galleria, designed by OMA / Chris van Duijn, has opened in Gwanggyo, a new town just south of Seoul. Located at the center of this young urban development surrounded by tall residential towers, the Galleria’s stone-like appearance makes it a natural point of gravity for public life in Gwanggyo. 
  2020 年 3 月 25 日 – 由 OMA/克里斯·范杜恩(Chris van Duijn)设计的 Galleria 百货公司在首尔南部的新市镇光教正式开幕。 Galleria 光教店位于这新城市发展区的中心,周围被高层住宅包围着,石块般的外形赋予其自然气质,使之成为光教居民生活的一个焦点。

  The Gwanggyo store is the sixth branch of Galleria—Korea’s largest upscale department store franchise founded in the 1970s. Sculpted as a stone volume with a textured mosaic stone façade, the building evokes the nature of its neighbouring Suwon Gwanggyo Lake Park. A public route is excavated from the stone volume and connects the public side walk to a roof garden—to include both retail and cultural activities. It introduces an innovative element to the traditional typology of a department store.

  Galleria 在 1970 年代成立,是韩国最大的高级精品百货公司品牌。光教店是 Galleria 的第六家分店。大楼 建筑造型犹如石块一般,配合富有肌理和质感的马塞克石材外立面,让人想起邻近的水原光教湖公园的自 然景色。在石材体量上开凿出的公众路线连接公共人行道至天台花园,沿途带来各式零售商业和文化 体验。此设计为传统百货公司类型引入创新元素。

  The public route has a multifaceted glass façade that contrasts with the opacity of the stone. Through the glass, retail and cultural activities inside are revealed to the city’s passers-by, while visitors in the interior acquire new vantage points to experience Gwanggyo. Formed with a sequence of cascading terraces, the public loop offers spaces for exhibitions and performances. 

  公众路线有着像经过雕琢的宝石般的多棱玻璃立面,与不透光的石材形成强烈对比。城市的途人可透过玻 璃看到室内的零售和文化 ,而在里面的访客则获得了体验光教城市风光的一个全新观景点。由一连串 渐落的平台组成的公众环路带来展览和表演空间。

  OMA Partner Chris van Duijn: “With a public loop deliberately designed for cultural offerings, Galleria in Gwanggyo is a place where visitors engage with architecture and culture as they shop. They leave with a unique retail experience blended with pleasant surprises after each visit.”

  OMA 合伙人克里斯·范杜恩表示:「透过特意为文化体验而设的公众环路设计,让 Galleria 光教店成为访客 在享受购物的同时,可与建筑及文化产生互动的地方,让访客每次到访后都留下既愉快又惊喜的独特零售 体验。」

  OMA Associate Ravi Kamisetti: “The Public Loop entwines Gwanggyo and the Galleria by making visible and tangible the activities of shopping typically hidden from the city.”

  Hanwha Galleria President and CEO Eun Soo Kim: “Galleria Gwanggyo is the largest department store that Galleria has opened in ten years and will play a pivotal role as a core branch providing premium MD lineup and the best VIP facilities and services. In addition, through collaboration with world-class architect OMA, it is well received both domestically and internationally for its creative architecture that is distinct from typical department store format, which applies a new paradigm that ‘transmits light throughout the building through the Public Loop’. Galleria Gwanggyo is the most beautiful department store and is expected to become a unique landmark representing Korea and the world, providing a new inspiration to customers.”

  OMA 协理金剎迪(Ravi Kamisetti)表示:「这个公共环路将通常隐藏在商业建筑内的顾客购物 变为可 见的、有形的,展露予外部城市,让 Galleria 与光教城镇生活紧密联系在一起。」

  The project is led by Chris van Duijn, Associate Ravi Kamisetti, and Project Architect Patrizia Zobernig. The local executive architect is Gansam. 

  项目由合伙人克里斯·范杜恩、协理金剎迪及项目建筑师苏比妮(Patrizia Zobernig)带领设计。本地执行建筑师为 Gansam。



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这个小型桑拿房由Paul Johann Magnus与Lars Rumpel合作设计并建造完成。设计者在芬兰的考察中诞生了设计这个1:1 桑拿房的想法。这个小屋主要服务当地每周六来海边的女性冬季游泳运动员们。【详细】






