
2013-11-01 08:54:13         来源:中国     浏览次数:


立体绿化 生态城市 屋顶绿化大会 哈佛大学


  王仙民秘书长和哈佛大学Renata Sentkiewicz教授的精彩演讲,获得了多次热烈的掌声,会议气氛祥和、热烈,充满了美中民间真挚的友谊。


  哈佛大学的Renata Sentkiewicz教授演讲了美国屋顶绿化的最新方法,用大量生动的案例,精美的图片说明了美国城市建设的新趋势,屋顶绿化已成为美国绿色建筑新的亮点,中国立体绿化代表团与她进行了热烈的互动,热情的邀请她访问中国,帮助设计时尚、生态、宜居的绿色建筑、社区,她很愉快的接受了邀请。

  王仙民将自己的屋顶绿化新书赠送给Renata Sentkiewicz教授,聘请她为中国建筑节能协会屋顶绿化专业委员会顾问,欢迎哈佛学子和年青设计师参加美丽奖·世界园林景观规划设计大赛,和中国同行一起为呵护地球作贡献。

  Sino USA Vertical Green and Ecological Development Forum was held successfully in John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University

  On the afternoon of Oct. 29, aSino USA Vertical Green and Ecological Development Forum was held successfully in John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University.Among the attendance there were a Chinese delegation of roof green professionals and quite a few Harvard students major in public policy, landscape design and Arts and so on.Mr. Wang, Xian Min, Secretary General of"2014 Qingdao World Ecological City and Green Roof Conference Committee"(2014 QDWECGRCC)and Mrs. Renata Sentkiewicz delivered them great speeches.

  When introducing the latest project of"Tree Cube"&"Phoenix Valley"and fast development of Chinese urban development, Mr. Wang also pointed out current Chinese environment problems and urban diseases.He hoped Harvard students can go to China to participate the new round of urban construction to introduce USA Eco, Energy Saving, Low Carbon and Livable concept to China.He extended sincere welcome to both students and teachers of Harvard to attend a special Environment Protection and Vertical Green seminar of 2014 QDWECGRCC.Wang's speech has aroused great interest in the audience and he has had friendly talk and communicated with all the participants then.

  Prof. Renata Sentkiewicz talked about the newest way and latest technology of USA roof green.By using lots of interesting cases and pictures, she thought roof green has become a highlight of USA green building.Chinese delegation members held warm talks with her and invited her to come to China to help design modern, Eco and livable green buildings and communities.Mr. Wang invited her to be a consultant of China and to participate"Green Award"Prize of International Landscape Planning Competition also.Prof. Sentkiewicz accepted both the invitation and the new roof green book written by Mr. Wang gladly.


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