
2020-07-15 17:53:08         来源:     浏览次数:


摘要:草地生态系统是我国陆地面积最大的生态系统类型之一。有“世界第三极”之称的青藏高原既是世界上最为独特的生态地域单元,又是我国重要牧区,更是典型生态脆弱区。近年来,在人类 胁迫下,自然生态系统碎片化趋势明显,水源涵养功能下降、生物多样性减少等生态服务功能下降,已影响全国乃至整个亚洲地区的生态安全。


The value recognition and behavior response of herdsman to rangeland ecology based on VBN theory – a case study in the stock-raising district of Qinghai-Tibet

Abstract: Grassland is one of the largest ecosystems in China. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, called “world’s third pole” is not only the most unique ecological regional unit in the world, but also important pastoral area and typical ecologically fragile area. Recent years, under the stress of human activities, the natural ecosystem in Qinghai-Tibet showed obvious fragment trend and decreasing ecosystem service functions including the declining function of water conservation and biodiversity reduction, which had influenced the ecological security in China and even the whole Asian.

 Herdsmen were the most direct users of rangeland resources and practitioners of rangeland ecological environment protection. Initiative participation and strong supervision based on the self-management mechanism coming from the herdsmen’s individual cognition of rangeland environment was the fundament of rangeland ecological protection. In this paper, the structural equation model in conjunct with survey dataset of 281 coming from herdsman in the water supply areas of Yellow River, Gannan autonomous prefecture and stock-raising district of National Nature Reserve core area in Qilian Mountains, Sunan County were used into case study of herdsman’s behavior response and value recognition for rangeland ecology under the analytical framework and study hypothesis of herdsmen’s value cognition and behavior response to rangeland ecology based on Value-Belief-Norm theory. The results showed that: (1) the recognition and action on value of rangeland ecology and environment from herdsman in the stock-raising district of Qinghai-Tibet were responding to rules of VBN. Meanwhile, there were step-by-step and cross-step impacting relationships between values of biosphere, world view of ecology, norm of morality, attribution of responsibility and behavior of environmental responsibility, which composed a complicated grading chain, and the impacting intensity and effect for each degree were slightly different. The values of biosphere of herdsman positively impacted on their world view of ecology with 0.601 of impacting path coefficient. Simultaneously, world view of ecology positively impacted on norm of morality (0.179 of impacting path coefficient), which further positively impacted on their attribution of responsibility and reinforced the social responsibility of individual behavior (0.272 of impacting path coefficient). The attribution of responsibility was benefit to promoting their individually friendly behavior for environment with 0.158 of impacting path coefficient. There were higher aspiration and recognition for protecting of rangeland ecology and environment and multi-function values of rangeland ecosystem services. But, due to the public characteristic of rangeland ecology, which easily triggered strong dependence for herdsman on rangeland ecological governance guided by local government and caused the action of hitchhiking. The aspiration of translation from intensive protecting willing to practical behavior for herdsman was weaker, and it was not consistent between the recognition and behavior for herdsman on values of rangeland ecology and environment. (3) The social resources such as life capability for herdsman and their owning social relationship network, social confidence and social norm were the critical factor influencing the realization and behavior for herdsman on protecting of rangeland ecology and environment. During the translating processing from resource-dependence pattern to resource-independence pattern of life-capability for herdsman in present-day, the informal rule arrangements e.g. faith, religion and culture were importantly impacted on construction of their values about friendly treating to environment.


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