
2009-03-31 18:00:16         来源:景观中国     浏览次数:


  成立日期: 2003年9月29日

  企业性质: 私营.民营企业

  所属行业: 景观设计

  注册资金: 1000万/元 人民币

  员工人数: 10~50人

  所在地区: 上海上海市





  Caiyunxuan is a vibrant, pioneering and innovative landscape elite team, gather the domestic first-class landscape design and landscape project management strength forces, including constructor, registered structural engineer, registered architect and landscape design, landscape, plants , Electrical, HVAC and water supply and drainage engineers, and so on, the excellent team. Across the ry to provide professional standards and in accordance with the norms of Landscape Design and Landscape Project Management.

  Caiyunxuan, as the staff for the important resources of the company, employees pay attention to the learning, training and innovative work platform, team building a positive working relationship and exchange, freedom to staff development opportunities and create abundant life space. The company has developed full benefit the comprehensive welfare system and integrated training system, regularly scheduled landscaping works, planning and design case discussions and training, organizational landscape construction site visit and study for the project design staff exchanges, travel, study grants, to encourage landscape design Division, landscape engineers to go abroad, foreign exchange or cooperation between units, study, practice and experience.

  Caiyunxuan is a cultural creativity / ideas and innovation as the driving force behind the dynamic business landscape, creativity may come science, culture, learning, life, art, recreation, planning, design, engineering or practice case. Caiyunxuan and domestic and international first-class landscape design, project management agencies have maintained close co-operation, fully reflects the international standard of design concepts, solutions and the perfect combination of Chinese reunification.


  联系人: 盛小姐

  联系电话: 021-50202770

  传真号码: 021-50202750

  邮箱地址: 符合企业 要求则邀请

  企业网址: http://www.caiyunxuan.com/

  邮政编码: 201210

  通讯地址: 上海浦东张江孙新路301号


 职位名称  工作地点  发布日期  有效日期   人数
 工程高级主管  上海  2009-3-30  2009-5-31  2
 项目经理  上海  2009-3-27  2009-6-30  2
 预算工程师  上海  2009-3-27  2009-5-31  2
 副总经理  上海  2009-3-25  2009-5-31   1
 注册规划师  上海  2009-3-25  2009-5-31  2
 总工程师  上海  2009-3-23  2009-5-31  1
 副所长  上海  2009-3-19  2009-6-30  1
 施工图设计师  上海  2009-3-17  2009-5-31  2
 设计项目主管  上海  2009-3-16  2009-4-30  2
 景观设计师  上海  2009-3-12  2009-5-31  3
 给排水工程师  上海  2009-3-10  2009-5-31  1
 暖通空调工程师  上海  2009-3-9  2009-5-31  1
 建筑工程师  上海  2009-3-5  2009-4-30  2
 园林工程师  上海  2009-3-5  2009-4-30  3



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